FlyRC Club Rules
Field Rules
All member pilots must comply with the regulations imposed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) as stated in Title 49 of the United States Code, Chapter 448, Section 09 (49 USC §44809), “exception for limited recreational operations of unmanned aircraft.” Included therein is the requirement that all pilots adhere to the Academy of Model Aeronautics (AMA) safety code. Finally, FLYRC has established additional field rules to further maintain safety and to enhance the enjoyment of our hobby. Members must keep in mind that safety is the responsibility of all members, and infractions should be discussed and acted upon whenever they happen by all members present. Each of us has the responsibility to enforce the rules for all our safety. In addition, we are all guests of Mitchell Farm and must act accordingly.
- All new members must complete a brief field orientation provided by the club president, or alternate, as soon as possible after joining.
- All club pilots flying solo must have passed our flight test (see section 10) and had their membership card signed off. Student pilots must have a FLYRC qualified instructor at their side during all flights.
- Flyers who are using 72 Mhz transmitters must identify themselves to other flyers and avoid overlapping frequencies.
- Only four aircraft may be in the air at the same time.
- No flying over the pits, towards the pits, behind the flight line, over the buildings or towards spectator areas is permitted. The initial turn after takeoff shall be away from these areas (see map).
- Normal flying hours are 9:00 AM until dusk. Quiet electric planes may fly starting at 7:00 AM, and properly illuminated, quiet electric planes may fly until dusk.
- Engine run-up is only allowed in the flight box, and not for an extended time. If you need to tune your engine for more than 5 minutes, you must leave the box and set up a table or other aircraft restraint by the shed end of the pits facing the end fence.
- Allowed Sound Levels: noise is our enemy. All aircraft must meet FLYRC sound rules: 100 decibels or less at 9 feet for any aircraft is satisfactory. For large two stroke engines (RPM in thousands plus) decibels must equal 110 or less at 9 feet. For four stroke motors RPM in thousands/2 plus decibels must equal 110 or less. Sound tests will be done at full throttle, restrained, and in a flight box. Non-compliant aircraft will be grounded until repaired and retested.
- Guests must be accompanied by a member who is responsible for guest conduct. Guests must have a current AMA card, fill out a guest survey, and only fly with a qualified host member in the flight box. A guest may fly on only three occasions during one calendar year. If they desire to fly more, they must apply for membership. The host member is responsible for making sure all club rules are followed by their guest.
- A guest without an AMA card must be accompanied by an introductory instructor on a buddy box when participating in an introductory flight. An exception will be made for certain single day club sponsored events where other club selected experienced pilots may participate on the buddy box.
- Maiden flights will be announced and will ground all other aircraft. Pilots of these flights must exercise common courtesy and wait for a lull, so as not to interrupt other pilots.
- Helicopter and drone pilots will observe all rules and must adhere to the flight pattern unless they are the only one flying.
- Before flight, fuel planes may be started on a portable table lined-up behind an empty flight box or in a flight box. Electric planes must have batteries connected on a portable table lined-up as above or in the flight box. Transmitter throttle hold and/or safety plugs are recommended. No engine starts or battery connections may be made on a stationary prep table or in the pits!
- All fliers must have a current AMA card, a current FLYRC membership card, a TRUST certificate, and the FAA registration card for any plane they are flying on their person. It is required that you always have your membership card in full view.
- Fly from designated flight boxes only. If you must go on the runway announce “on the field.”
- Absolutely no flying in restricted areas. Members may enter restricted areas only to retrieve aircraft. (See field map).
- Under no circumstances are we allowed on the ComSat property (where the satellite dishes are located). If you need to retrieve a plane, drive down to the ComSat front gate on River Road and use the intercom to talk with the station operator, who is there 24/7. Explain the situation and resolve how to retrieve the plane, then call the FLYRC President (Bill Josiger, 845-821-3269) and inform him of the circumstances.
- “Hot dogging” or 3D flying is permitted only with the consent of other pilots flying at the time and only down the far side of the runway, away from the pilot boxes. This type of flying is intimidating and distracting to some pilots, and may be done only with due consideration for others. There will be no “buzzing” of vehicles on the access road or farm workers. A flier shall not willfully and deliberately fly his model in a careless, reckless, or dangerous manner
- All flights should be limited to 15 minutes.
- Young children are permitted at the field only if closely and continuously supervised by a non-flying, responsible individual. They are not allowed on the runway or in the flight boxes at any time. They are not to be unescorted at any time!
- Call out your landing to make other pilots aware of your intensions. Yell “coming in” or “landing.”
- The flier of a dead stick aircraft shall clearly and loudly warn other pilots. Other pilots must then yield to dead stick aircraft.
- Do not taxi in the pits or taxi toward the pits at a fast rate of speed. Aircraft must stop and engines must be turned off before the model returns to the pit area.
- Only well-mannered and leashed pets are allowed at the field.
- All takeoffs and landings are to be executed in the direction indicated by the consensus of pilots present.
- Do not litter. Pick up after yourself and remove all garbage from the field.
- No flying of free flight or control line planes at the field.
- No fuel powered turbine engines of any kind may be operated at the FLYRC field.
- Aircraft and equipment will be removed from the flight boxes when not in use.
- Aircraft will not be placed on the picnic tables in the eating area.
- Remove aircraft from the assembly tables when assembly is complete as space is limited.
- The grill and propane are for the use of club members only. When finished please clean the grill, remove the disposable grease receptacle, and return the grill to the shed in good order.
- The last person to leave the field will lock the shed, secure the solar charging station, and close the gate.
- There will be no consumption of alcoholic beverages during flying hours and flying while impaired is always prohibited under AMA rules.
Additional Rules for FPV Flying:
- All FPV pilots will comply with AMA FPV rules.
- All FPV pilots will comply with all FLYRC Field & Safety rules stated above.
- All FPV flights require a flight qualified FLYRC member as a spotter, in the box with the pilot, maintaining visual line of site with the FPV craft.
- If an FPV pilot experiences a safety issue he must abandon FPV mode and fly visual line of site.
- All FPV flights must yield right of way to all other craft if safety demands.
- All flights from the FLYRC field, either manually or utilizing FPV, stabilization or autopilot systems for automated flight, must maintain the craft within visual line of sight.
Model Inspection
The preflight and safety inspection is a necessary final inspection before flight to ensure the best possible chance for incident-free flights. Your instructor will help you with this inspection and will make recommendations for additional work on the aircraft.
Do not be discouraged by any delays. Your instructor is only interested in the safety of your model and the spectators
Name, address, and telephone #, or AMA # are required by the AMA to be attached to your aircraft.
Your FAA registration number must be displayed on the outside of the aircraft.
Wing Removed:
- If aileron-equipped, aileron is shock mounted and secure.
- Aileron linkages & clevises secure and clamped closed with a piece of tubing or equivalent.
- Wing dowels are not loose or cracked.
- Check for wing warping (explain to applicant how to remove warping).
Fuselage and Engine:
- All engine and motor mounts are tight.
- Muffler installed and secure.
- Propeller tips not nicked and propeller blades not cracked.
- Spinner, safety nut, or prop nut securely tightened (AMA safety nut W/O spinner).
- Fuel hoses not punctured or pinched and properly connected.
- Klunk moves freely.
- Fuel tank compartment fuel-proofed (fuel proofing is strongly recommended).
- Servos shock mounted and securely fastened.
- Pushrods & control surfaces move freely, clevises closed and secured (fuel tubing or equiv.).
- Servo plugs clean and plugged into correct receiver channel.
- Switch assembly properly secured (if possible check soldering).
- Fully charged Rx batteries, or new Dry Cells (if possible check with ESV).
- Receiver and battery pack wrapped in foam and secured in place.
- Receiver antenna not broken and fully extended in a safe manner.
- Control surface hinges pinned and secured.
- Wheel collars tight and wheels should rotate freely.
- Nose gear aligned and at proper height.
Reinstall Wing:
- Aileron servo plugged into correct receiver channel.
- Wing hold down screws tight, or rubber bands per model requirements. Typically #64 size with on per side for each 3/4 lb of model weight. Two crossed bands for security of bands.
- Center of gravity falls within model limits.
Radio Check:
- Fully test all control surfaces for proper movement as per transmitter commands.
- Range check: with antenna collapsed walk about 100 feet towards the parking lot.
- Check control motions, noise or jitter during the walk. This is done with the engine off.
Modeling Safety
One of FLYRC’s primary requirements is to establish and maintain field and flight safety to insure the model is properly built and SAFE to fly. When a model is completed the sponsor or instructor will check it for safety.
A log is recommended to be used by the applicant to assist him or her through the instruction and leaning experience. It is suggested that the applicant log his or her flights and request the instructor to sign and comment on the instructions as given. The log will assist applicants and instructors to maintain a steady learning process. SAFETY is vitally important. Radio controlled models are heavy and fast. Handled unsafely, the model can do a great deal of damage. Remember that SAFETY must be considered on the ground as well as in the air. The applicant should consult with the sponsor and or instructor on the equipment best suited for him or her. Come to the field and to the meetings and get to know the members. Ask questions and ask for help. Everyone is more than willing to assist.
Safety Tips:
You should read and become familiar with the full AMA Safety Code. The following is a short list of safety tips that you should keep in mind whenever you are operating an R/C model.
- Observe all field and safety rules. Failure to do so could result in loss of club flying privileges and could lead to expulsion from the club.
- When the engine is running, make all needle valve adjustments from behind the rotating propeller.
- Keep face and body out of line with the propeller arc. If a blade were to break off it could be thrown like a KNIFE. THINK OF THE PROPELLER AS A RIP SAW BLADE.
- An R/C airplane when operated out of control or in a reckless fashion can be a lethal missile. If you are in trouble in the air, alert your instructor and others around you immediately.
- Do not fly your aircraft over the pits area or spectators.
- The first turn after takeoff must be away from the pits and spectators.
- Landings shall parallel to the pit area or angularly away from the pits.
- There should be only one retriever per plane. Notify all pilots “ON THE FIELD “before proceeding on to the field. Children are NOT ALLOWED on the runway at any time.
- Excessive running of a motor for tune up or carburetor adjustments is not allowed in the pits and should not infringe on another persons flight time.
- Please communicate effectively when in the flight boxes. Notification of takeoffs, landings, emergencies, man on the field, etc. Must be communicated to all pilots who are flying. Whenever possible, use another member or friend as an observer.