May 10, 2023
We recently had several significant achievements that I’m happy to announce:
Dr. Ron Faanes was recognized by the AMA for his leadership role in bringing the Principles of Flight program to local elementary schools and youth groups. The AMA recognized Ron as a AMA Leader Member for this and other contributions to advance the hobby. In my view, it’s recognition long overdue, not only for Ron, but other members that were doing similar programs in the past: Cliff Becker, Bob Milanese, Pat Napolitano and others. For our new members, FLYRC has had a long-standing education program going back many years. We only recently brought it to the AMA’s attention. Well done Ron and others that support this effort!
Ken Blau, our treasurer and webmaster, now wears a new hat: Chief Investigator. Ken spent many hours investigating the federal tax code and our club setup. He determined we were eligible for a tax refund. Imagine getting money back from the government! So, Ken followed through and filed for a refund, which we just received. So, another $269 plus $12.40 interest in the FLYRC bank account. Well done Ken!
Last January, I applied for our second AMA field improvement grant. We requested assistance in paying for our new tractor we bought in 2022. I’m happy to announce that we received 1 of the 32 AMA grants awarded and received the maximum amount (25% of the authorized expense) of $910.61. This is the second AMA field improvement grant we have received, the first 3 years ago for $393.20
So how did we achieve this AMA recognition? First and foremost, the AMA supports clubs that adhere to their guidelines and have a community out-reach program that “gives back.” We do all that and more.
These successes, along with the other improvements to our field and facilities, could not have been achieved without the initiative and willingness of our members to pull together and move forward.
Well done and thanks for everyone’s support!
Regards, Bill Josiger President FLYRC.