Recent FlyRC Club Events

Second Annual Swap Meet a success for All

A big thank you to Gray Klein, Bob Motta, Tim Nunes, John Pavlick, Noel Wheate, Chris Vargo, Craig Trachten & Glen Hochstetter for all their efforts in making Sunday’s 2nd Annual Joint Swap Meet another success. Lots of good stuff was exchanged and the camaraderie was fantastic. Seller’s attendance was greater than last year, but less than hoped. Overall, we continue to gain momentum with each year getting better.

One of the founding members of FLYRC, Chris Dascano, even came to visit. 

In addition to having a great time and swapping our treasures, we raised $85 in donations for the Ukrainian humanitarian fund and the leadership of both clubs and all the volunteers, unanimously agreed to also donate our combined profit of $215.  Overall, everyone had a great time and we helped a worthy cause. See pics below.
If anyone else that couldn’t attend wants to donate to the humanitarian cause, just send me an email and I’ll include it.
Thanks for your support.

Regards, Bill

Paul Ivey Receives Special Recognition

A few* of us surprised Paul Ivey on Tuesday, January 11, 2022, to present him with a decorative wall propeller in recognition for all his years of support for FlyRC. Paul has been a long-term member and a
steady builder, flyer and instructor. Many of us had the opportunity to benefit from Paul’s calm and steady instruction.  We are especially fond of his phrases “What could possibly go wrong? and The wind is your friend.” Thanks Paul, from all your friends and students at FLYRC.

*The group size was limited because of Covid concerns.

Bob Milanese and Will Casazza receive Awards

At our Octoberfest, October 17, 2021, certificates of appreciation with plaques were presented to Will Casazza and Bob Milanese for their outstanding contributions of time and talent to the club. Their multiple efforts over the years to support other members and keep our field and equipment well maintained have made a tremendous difference to our club.  Members like them have allowed the rest of us to enjoy our hobby all the more.  Thank you guys.
