Local Hobby Shops

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(Please help us keep this list up to date with additions and corrections.)

Store:Address:Website:Phone:Email Address:Description:
Danbury Hobby Center123 South Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470
https://www.facebook.com/danburyhobbycenter/(203) 743-9052danburyhobbycenter@gmail.comExcellent source of RC supplies, fuel, ARFs. Limited supply of balsa.
Our local hobby shop.
Woodbury Hobbies107 Main Street North
Woodbury, CT 06798
https://woodburyhobbies.com/(203) 910-5704Brand new hobby shop, presently for RC cars primarily, but intends to increase RC aviation inventory.
Branford Hobbies609 West Main Street
Branford, CT 06405
http://www.branfordhobbies.com(203) 488-9865Excellent assortment of supplies. More focused on cars and trains, but excellent resource.
HobbyTown Fairfield847 Post Road
Fairfield, CT 06824
https://www.hobbytown.com/fairfield-ct/l98(203) 256-0773hobbytownfairfield@gmail.com
Heritage Hobbies33 Danbury Road
Wilton, CT 068d97
http://www.heritagehobbies.com(203) 834-0441Limited assortment of RC foamies. Decent selection of balsa.
Gallimonds Hobby Shop267 Tomahawk Street
Baldwin Place, NY 10505
https://www.gallimods.com (914) 621-0044General hobby shop with wide assortment of supplies, including fuel.